
Wind blows clouds of red dust through a small village on an alien planet. The bounty hunter lowers his visor, and jetpacks to the local cantina.

Inside, he approaches a sleazy alien merchant. "Glorb, I can't say it's a pleasure to meet you," he growls. Glorb sneers in response "Ah, Dangerous Dave. I assure you, displeasure is all mine."

"You've got something my boss needs," Dave advances menacingly. "And you will give it to me, or else."

"Hey, hey," Glorb steps back "No need for threats, I'm a businessman. Entrepreneur, much like yourself. We can trade. What do you want?" Glorb opens up his trenchcoat, revealing a wide array of various internal organs, each in a plastic bag with a pricetag on it. "I've got kidneys, baby kidneys, livers, nipple tentacles, amygdalas, those are at a discount if you buy two or more..."

"My boss needs his heart back. It was stolen from him during his rejuvenation retreat."

"Ah, but of course." Glorb reaches into an inner pocket, and pulls out a still-beating human heart, suspended in a murky yellowish liquid. "As good as new. Pretty small though, wouldn't you say? I can offer a younger, healthier one."

Dave grabs the heart "My boss is quite attached to the heart he has."

"That'll be 200 credits."

Dave pulls out a blaster and sticks it into the alien's nose "Come again?"

"But for you, of course, as a valued customer, it is only 50."

Dave twists the blaster, inserting it deeper "Do you have any extra heads under this trenchcoat? Because you might need one."

"On a second thought, take this one as a free sample," the alien smiles cloyingly.

Dave puts the heart into a freezing container, and jetpacks away, right through the roof of the cantina.