Heroic Sacrifice

Empty old manor, three kids run away from zombies.

"Run, I will protect you!" screams Steve, a nerdy kid, as he jumps in fromt of Mona, his crush. "Run after us, you idiot!" screams Mona.

The zombie swipes at Steve, but Daniel, the group's jock, tackles Steve out of the way just in time. The gang keeps running.

Another zombie crashes through the door, and begins slowly stumbling towards them. "Hide behind me, Mona, I'll protect you!" screams Steve.

Mona raises her eyebrow "Dude, this zombie is not even close, he'll reach us in like 5 minutes. Just go already."

"Aren't you impressed that I'm heroically sacrificing myself in the name of love?" pouts Steve, but follows along.

They reach the door, and open it into a dusty corridor covered in spider webs.

"Eeew, a spider!" Mona flicks it from her shoulder.

Steve falls on it dramatically, like jumping on a grenade. "Run, my love! Don't think about me, just go! All I ask is that you remember my glorious sacrifice!"

Mona rolls her eyes and keeps walking, After a beat, Steve awkwardly shuffles up to his feet and follows.
