
A dingy alley marketplace in a middle-eastern city. A chubby american tourist approaches a stand filled with tinctures, potions, strange skulls, and other sinister looking magic items.

An old witch with clumps of dirty hair greets him. "Come in, come in, stranger. Choose anything your heart desires."

The tourist looks through the wares. "Hmm, that fanged demon mask looks interesting, it would be fun to wear on haloween".

The witch cackles madly "Yes, yes, take the mask! Azazel yearns to be worn! But be careful, putting it on is much easier than taking it off."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, I just want something for my wife, she always complains if I don't bring her stuff from a business trip. How much is it?"

"Take it for free, it is yours!" cackles the witch.

"I don't even have to pay? Amazing, I love local customs." the tourist takes the mask and exits the shop.

"Oh, you'll pay," the witch whispers ominously, "you'll pay indeed."